Some code structures for implementing Python Macros in LibreOffice and OpenOffice 1...Getting object references to documents and sheets 2...Reading and writing to cells 3...Clear cell contents 4...Hide a column 5...Delete columns(s) 6...Set horizontal alignment in a cell 7...Format a cell 8...Insert Date into a cell 9...Format font 10..Copy background colour of a cell to another cell 11..To change cell font colour 12..To set Borders 13..Modify Status Indicator 14..Set Hyperlink in cell 15..To sort a range of cells 16..Document directory 17..Using threads to see new values in cells while macro is running 18..Load dialogs embedded in document 19..Getting Python scripts working in LibreOffice and Ubuntu 20..Display a message box ====================================================================================== 1...Getting object references to documents and sheets # This is pretty much standard in all scripts oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() oSheets = oDoc.getSheets() oSheet = oSheets.getByName("Sheet1") # get sheet named "Sheet1" #or oSheet = oDoc.getSheets().getByIndex( 0 ) # get first sheet 2...Cell objects, and reading and writing to cells # Some basic code structures oCellRangeByName = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("A15") oCellRangeByName.setValue(15.64) oCellRangeByPos = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,4) # (col, row) oCellRangeByPos.String = 'My String' oSheet.getCellByPosition(8,rowNum).Value = 28.2 oSheet.getCellByPosition(10,9).Formula = "=J10 + 1" 3...Clear cell contents oSheet.getCellRangeByName('A1:B17').clearContents(5) # clears Values and Strings oSheet.getCellRangeByName('A1:B17').clearContents(7) # clears Values, Datetimes and Strings #1 = VALUE, 2 = DATETIME, 4 = STRING, 8 = ANNOTATE, 16 = FORMULA, 32 = Formats oSheet.getCellRangeByName('A1:B' + str(17)).clearContents(7) 4...Hide a column oSheet.getColumns().getByName( "C" ).IsVisible = False 5...Delete columns(s) oSheet.getColumns().removeByIndex(startCol, number of columns) 6...Set horizontal alignment in a cell class cCellHoriJust(): from import (STANDARD, LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, BLOCK, REPEAT) def test1(): oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() oSheets = oDoc.getSheets() oSheet = oSheets.getByName("Sheet1") oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0).HoriJustify = cCellHoriJust.LEFT 7...Format a cell oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() oSheets = oDoc.getSheets() oSheet = oSheets.getByName("Sheet1") ooLocale = oDoc.getPropertyValue("CharLocale") ooLocale.Language = "en" ooLocale.Country = "gb" NumberFormats = oDoc.NumberFormats NumberFormatStringGBP = "£##0.000##" # or NumberFormatStringGBP = '[$GBP] 0.000##' NumberFormatIdGBP = NumberFormats.queryKey(NumberFormatStringGBP, ooLocale, True) if NumberFormatIdGBP == -1: NumberFormatIdGBP = NumberFormats.addNew(NumberFormatStringGBP, ooLocale) oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0).NumberFormat = NumberFormatIdGBP 8...Insert Date into a cell oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,1).FormulaLocal = '%s-%s-%s' %( 'Jul', 20, 2013 ) or oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,1).FormulaLocal = '%s-%s-%s' %( 20, 'Jul', 2013 ) 9...Format font from import ITALIC from import BOLD, NORMAL oCell.setPropertyValue("CharPosture", ITALIC) oCell.setPropertyValue("CharWeight", BOLD) 10..Copy background colour of a cell to another cell oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,0) existing_colour = oCell.getPropertyValue("CellBackColor") oCella = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,0) oCella.setPropertyValue("CellBackColor", existing_colour) 11..To change cell font colour oCellb = oSheet.getCellByPosition(1,1) oCellb.setPropertyValue("CharColor", existing_colour) oCell.setPropertyValue("CharColor", -1) # set to black oCell.setPropertyValue("CharColor", 1000) # set to blue oCell.setPropertyValue("CharColor", 50000) # set to green oCell.setPropertyValue("CharColor", -50000) # set to red 12..To set Borders oCell.setPropertyValue("TopBorder", (16711680,0,36,0,0,36)) # thin red top border oCell.setPropertyValue("BottomBorder", (0,0,36,0,0,36)) # thin black bottom border or oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(myCol,myRow) Border = oCell.TopBorder Border.OuterLineWidth = 36 Border.Color = 0 oCell.TopBorder = Border 13..Modify Status Indicator Controller = oDoc.getCurrentController() DocFrame = Controller.getFrame() oStatusIndicator = DocFrame.createStatusIndicator() oStatusIndicator.start( "", 10 ) # values allowed between 0 and 10 oStatusIndicator.setText( "Processing started") oStatusIndicator.Value(1) oStatusIndicator.end() # restore status bar 14..Set Hyperlink in cell url = '' str = oCell.getString() fld = oDoc.createInstance("") fld.setPropertyValue("URL", url); fld.setPropertyValue("Representation", str); # We are replacing the contents of the cell with exactly the same text, # but storing it in the URL textfield with the same display value. oCell.setString("") # You can only insert textfields via a text cursor, so we need to create one txt = oCell.getText() txt.insertTextContent(txt.createTextCursor(), fld, False) 15..To sort a range of cells import uno def mysort(): oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() oSheets = oDoc.getSheets() oSheet = oSheets.getByName("Sheet1") rSortArea = oSheet.getCellRangeByName("D2:F5") sortField = uno.createUnoStruct('') sortField.IsAscending = True sortField.Field = 0 sortDesc = rSortArea.createSortDescriptor() for PropVal in sortDesc: if PropVal.Name == 'SortFields': PropVal.Value = uno.Any('[]',(sortField,)) elif PropVal.Name == 'ContainsHeader': PropVal.Value = uno.Any('boolean', False) rSortArea.sort(sortDesc) 16..Document directory import uno import os def PyTest1(): oDoc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() myurl = oDoc.URL syspath = uno.fileUrlToSystemPath( myurl ) directory = os.path.dirname( syspath ) 17..Using threads to see new values in cells while macro is running # If cells are updated while running a macro, the updated values in the cells # are normally not visible until the macro has finished # This technique displays new values in cells as soon as they are updated import uno from time import sleep from threading import Thread def test(): desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop() t = Thread(target = test_worker, args = (desktop,)) t.start() def test_worker(desktop): oDoc = desktop.getCurrentComponent() oSheets = oDoc.getSheets() oSheet = oSheets.getByName("Sheet1") for i in range(10): oSheet.getCellByPosition(0,i).setValue(i) sleep(1) 18..Load dialogs embedded in document See: 19..Getting Python scripts working in LibreOffice and Ubuntu 20..Display a message box # This can be slightly messy. Different versions of OpenOffice and LibreOffice require different # processes. Luckily, it seems there are only two processes, so we can try one and if that doesn't work, we # can use the other from import Rectangle from import WindowDescriptor from import MODALTOP from import OK, OK_CANCEL, YES_NO, YES_NO_CANCEL, RETRY_CANCEL, DEF_OK, DEF_CANCEL, DEF_RETRY, DEF_YES, DEF_NO # Message box test for OO or LO version def messageBox(msgText, msgTitle): doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() parentwin = doc.CurrentController.Frame.ContainerWindow try: messageBoxLO4(parentwin, msgText, msgTitle) except: messageBoxOO4(parentwin, msgText, msgTitle) else: pass ### following works with OO4 but not LO4 or OO Portable 3.2 def messageBoxOO4(ParentWin, MsgText, MsgTitle): #doc = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument() ctx = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getComponentContext() MsgText = MsgText+" OO" toolkit = ctx.getServiceManager().createInstanceWithContext("", ctx) msgbox = toolkit.createMessageBox(ParentWin, 0, 1, MsgTitle, MsgText) msgbox.execute() #msgbox.dispose() # Show a message box with the UNO based toolkit. Works with LO4 and OOP3.2 def messageBoxLO4(ParentWin, MsgText, MsgTitle): MsgText = MsgText+" LO" #describe window properties. aDescriptor = WindowDescriptor() aDescriptor.Type = 1 # MODALTOP aDescriptor.WindowServiceName = "infobox" aDescriptor.ParentIndex = -1 aDescriptor.Parent = ParentWin aDescriptor.WindowAttributes = 4194304 #MsgButton = OK tk = ParentWin.getToolkit() msgbox = tk.createWindow(aDescriptor) msgbox.setMessageText(MsgText) msgbox.setCaptionText(MsgTitle) return msgbox.execute() # This is the main call to create a message box def mainFunction(): messageBox("Message Text","MessageBox Title") ################################################################################# Odd bits and pieces: ================================================================== Using MRI with Python: ================================================================== Module to aid use of Python with OpenOffice